Who could have imagined that a simple sparkler would land you behind bars? Unfortunately, this nightmare became a reality for David who attended the J6 rally. David was found guilty by Judge Trevor McFadden on 8/23/22 after trial of obstruction of an official proceeding and assaulting, resisting, or impeding officers.
The atmosphere at Trump rallies is often described as a grand patriotic celebration, where people sing hymns, chant slogans, wave flags, and even dance. David, caught the sparkler that someone threw at him, never suspecting that it would be seen as a weapon by the DOJ. Actually, an expert witness later clarified that a firecracker should not be considered a weapon. Nevertheless, the assault charge was sustained.
Thankfully, David had the support of his neighbor, an Iraq war veteran who testified on his behalf. This neighbor, who had known David since childhood, compared the events of Jan6 to what he had witnessed during real acts of terrorism and war, asserting that they were vastly different. “Trust me Judge, this is not terrorism”, he said.
Fortunately, David’s family stands by him and visits him every weekend, providing him with a lifeline of support. As a devout Christian, David had previously been involved in Christian ministries and do he started a Bible study for his fellow inmates at FCI Seagoville, offering them a welcoming environment to attend. His faith has been instrumental in sustaining him during these difficult times, and he is making the most of this unfortunate situation by making a positive impact on the lives of others behind bars.
David being found guilty of the infamous and bogus 1512(c)(2) obstruction of an official proceeding charge could not escape a long prison charge as seen in all the other J6 cases. It is a travesty of justice, and we all know it.
Please pray for David and his family. Support him with letters which he really enjoys receiving and donations to his fundraiser in order to help him pay for the restitution fine of $8,000 which is currently keeping him from getting needed items from the commissary as the government garners his commissary fund.
Below are photos showing an always smiling David. This young man is what this government calls a terrorist while ignoring the threat posed by Antifa and BLM and their scam fundraisers. They burned cities, created a fake autonomous zone in Portland, injured and even killed police but that’s OK. The left celebrated it, bailed them out of jail and the DOJ dropped most charges. No consequences for their evil deeds. However, if you are a Trump supporter and catch a sparkler, the FBI will raid your home and the DOJ will destroy your life.
Judge Trevor N. McFadden
Appointed By: Donald Trump
Confirmation Date:
Born: June 28, 1978
Alexandria, Virginia, U.S.
Wheaton College (BA)
University of Virginia (JD)
ABA Ratings: Qualified (2017)
FCI Seagoville
Federal Correctional Institution
PO BOX 9000
Thank you for writing this post Marie. These are stories that must be told. David is a good man and what he and his family have been through is heartbreaking.