I’m losing hope. I’m losing hope and strength I’m exhausted . The communist Democrats have kept me from my family for about a year now almost. I miss my Kids. I’m a family man as many of you know and a big volunteer in our communities before I was Kidnapped for fighting back a typannical Liberal government on J6 after they started beating their own people who were peacefully protesting. I am now in a prison, medium Security in Colorado 11 hour drive from my family, my kids back in Texas, I’ve been here for almost a month and I’m still being held in a cell for 23 hours a day. No outside, No commissary, No radio ect. A phone call and shower is all I can do. There is so much more to this story, from the J6 to tonight as I’m writing this. I look forward to one day telling it all. But for now, I’m beat down, exhausted and losing hope. I don’t know why I was sent so far from home. I will never be able to see my kids here. Sen. Ted Cruz said on Fox news the other day, (Theres, a small TV outside my cell door where I can read the caption) he said China will have to answer for how they treating their protesters. I saw Chinese police beating their own people during protest. To Mr. Cruz and to everyone else I want to say is, that’s what was happening to us on January 6 at the Capitol protest. And now we are in jails and prisons for not running from that government abuse but fighting back. WE ARE AMERICANS I remind that we damn sure don’t run. We wouldn’t have a country if our ancesters ran from the British during the revolutionary war. We did nothing wrong. We are people who love our country. We are people who fly the American Flag with PRIDE. We don’t burn it like the Liberals do. We fight for the fundamentals of
Democracy. We fight for our freedom and our traditions. We are family men & women who are active in our communities. Some of us like myself are military veterans. We don’t belong in these jails + Prisons. To our Republican Senators and Congressman I am asking you, on behalf of all J6ers, get us HOME. Sen. Ted Cruz, you are my Texas rep, lead this charge. Get me home. My Kids need me and I need them, I don’t deserve this and I shouldn’t be here. I am a law abiding citizen. I’m hurting and what’s happening is mental torture and abuse. We are no better than China or North Korea or Russia if this isn’t fixed and we aren’t released. We are POLITICAL Prisoners and the 2020 election was a fraud & stolen & everyone knows it. To all J6 supporters, please write me, I could use the encouragment. I got hundreds of letters when I was in VA and I thank you. Your support helps. Also please continue to fight for me. phone calls & write letters to our Congressional Representatives and Senators. I’m also trying to raise funds so my kids can come see me. All I want for Christmas is to see and hug my kids. I’m struggling here. especially being locked in a cell for 23 hrs a day with no end in sight. I pray God helps me, helps this country and helps my J6 brothers & sisters.

Lucas Denney
AKA “Rooster”

Please at least send a positive letter 🙏

📬 Lucas Denney
PO BOX 6000

Incarcerated since 12/13/2021 or 363 days.


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