🇺🇸 JAKE LANG 🇺🇸  AUGUST 7, 2022
My Dear brother Arthur, Shalom
How grateful are we to the God who enables us to encourage each other in the life-giving faith of Messiah!
I am no hero brother! The brave people who have stuck by us & shown us love & support despite our circumstances are heroes! I’m stuck here, but you have chosen to be unified in this tribulation with me! Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed my J6truth.org site, I imagined it to be a great resource for everyone to stay engaged. I’ll put more interviews up there! I didn’t know Brian did any interviews & told some of the amazing stories of the Patriot Pod – he’s a Courageous Patriot along with all of the guys there. The examples of love & faith in the face of evil & desertion are so numerous, I miss those guys! I’m all alone in Alexandria, 22 hours a day solitary, no J6ers here. But I have brothers in Christ & I strive to have fellowship no matter the forces against one. Stay tuned for the next documentary. Will be out in September! Also, September 24 we have a J6 Solidarity Rally in Wash DC, please come! Text Kelly for details, & if you want to speak, we can arrange that! Would be an honor! Talk more on Sunday. Enjoyed the giant story.
Sin & the power of fleshy selfishness have been defeated by the greatest act of love ever. Glory to God!
God Bless You &
Strengthen You!
Jake Lang
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