Ryan Rheiner

November 21 2023

Dear Barbara Levich,

Thank you for your support. I do remember receiving a letter from you, but it was sent back because of copied images. I’m glad you found me again because I wondered what the letter was. I enjoyed reading the material within and gives me hope that this country is not on its last leg but more or less going through growing pains. Some empires lasted over 1,000 years and they too went through ideological turmoil and uncertainty. Forgive my spelling for I do not have a dictionary or spell checker. I feel powerless about the recent weird events going on in Israel and makes us all nervous in lock up. The world is in a volatile situation with a group of Maniacs in charge who are only concerned with consolidation of power and wealth. Because of the slacker concern for human suffering I fear things may continue to spiral out of control with no real answer to bring about peace. How did we get so far off from the days when our leader was actually brokering peace treaties with the Abraham accords. Anyway, thank you and I greatly appreciate anything you can help with. I have been able to keep my coffee cup full at all times from the latest support I have received from a number of j6 supporters. Lego and a couple of other j6 prisoners are here with me and we go to church and study together. We sing songs of freedom and tell stories of Glory together. The darkest days are almost over. I can’t wait to see the other side when we will be telling the children and grandchildren about the Dark age when politicians actually existed and sold the American dream away to corporate demons.

With love,

Ryan Rheiner

Narayana Rheiner

📬 Narayana Rheiner
FCI Loretto
Federal Correctional Institution
PO Box 1000
Cresson, PA 16630

🎂 4/23 🎂
No known fundraiser

Has been serving sentence for 329 days.

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