14 AUG 23
Day 21 in the hole
Day 78 as a political prisoner

Dear Barbara,
Thank you for your letter. On 25 July they threw me in the hole without giving me a reason. My counselor Ms. Buckmaster has told me this will be indefinite. I broke no prison rules and I think they are doing this just to unilaterally upgrade my minimum security settings to Max/Supermax time. I spend 23 hours a day in here and most days 24 as we are only allowed to shower every three days. Another counselor, Ms. Phillips told me I would not be allowed out unless a Congressman calls. Please pray for me and get the word out.

Bunker Hill is an amazing place to visit. I have only been in Boston once. Did you do the rest of the Freedom Tour? The Old North Church? I do wonder if our revolution would have been successful if King George III had the FBI?

I thank you for all the other quotes you sent. The 69th Psalm really struck me as I was reading the Bible today. Where is Des Moines, WA in relation to Seattle? I assume it is in the part that wants to join Idaho?

If you want to help me please call the Springfield Gulag and ask for Lt Cross to explain why I am in here, the Warden to ask why Lt Cross is being allowed to unilaterally upgrade my sentence. They will say it is pending investigation, but I broke no rules and said nothing bad about anyone. I cannot tell you how frustrating this is. Two careers destroyed, convicted for protesting a stolen election and now serving a harder prison sentence when I did nothing wrong. Please pray for justice.

God bless you, your family and God bless President Trump and America,

Larry Brock
Political Prisoner
Springfield Gulag

Larry Brock

📬 Larry Brock
MCFP Springfied
Po Box 4000
Springfied, MO 65801

Has been serving sentence for 117 days.

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