How does one preserve their sanity amidst the challenges of prison life? They write!
Find Part 1-7 here.

Below are parts 8 to 15 of this story – “What Really Happened.”

Gulag This! “What Really Happened”

Part 8 China

by: Jessica Watkins

A True Story; 100% verifiable with Text Messages, Emails, Video/Audio, Court Documents and Testimony.

I am going to take a break here to discuss global events. China and the UN to be specific. In September 2020, China released an Air Force Recruitment video, which depicted the “heroic Chinese pilots” doing a Top Gun style air raid… where they bombed the US Air Base in Guam. Yeah. Look it up. During the Summer of 2020, Customs stopped a delivery from China who had shipped 10,000 AR-15 Upper Receivers to Black Lives Matter Headquarters. China practically owns the Panama Canal (they have the 100 Year Lease agreement), and in Peru… China built the WORLD’S largest Naval Port, which could dock 3 of their Aircraft Carriers, nevermind a myriad of Destroyers, Cruisers, Submarines and other vessels in the Chinese Naval forces. In Argentina the Chinese built a massive Air Base, within range of the US Border. In Venezuela, the Chinese built a massive PLA Army Base. The Chinese built a Spy Base in Cuba. The Chinese Navy is more than a decade ahead of ours; in capacity, speed, technological capabilities, and size. They have a fleet of drone subs. They have hundreds of thousands of acres of US farmland, surrounding our military bases. And all of that is just what they’ve got in the Western Hemisphere, within range of the United States. But… best believe they have a foothold on EVERY Continent on the globe. And that’s just the tip of the Chinese military iceberg.

In early November 2020, there were the videos of Chinese citizens stuffing ballot envelopes; talk that the Chinese had hacked Dominion voting machines; pallets full of ballots being flown in on CCP aircraft. Yeah, I know NOW that some of these reports may have been debunked, but at the time they HAD NOT BEEN. Remember, this is all happening in early November 2020. We didn’t know anything for certain back then. But, I trust the Chinese for one thing; they want to knock the US out the role as the world’s leading Superpower. They want to control the globe, and I knew that Joe Biden was their “Prepaid Puppet”. China was on the march, and it seemed they had more Allies than the US and more support from the United Nations than the United States. I was very concerned (still am – look at the Spy Balloon thing) that they were preparing for war with the US. We all KNOW Joe Biden is compromised by the Chinese, vis-a-vis his son Hunter. We knew that then, and we’ve proved even more, since he took Office. The Chinese have ingratiated themselves with the UN, forming allies with some of the most totalitarian COVID states, like… I dunno, top of my head… Canada. Yeah. In December of 2020, mere weeks before the Inauguration, China was scheduled to do a months long “Joint Operation Winter Exercise” with the Canadian Army. On the US Northern Border. Yeah. Look it up.

So… during the Inauguration, China was set to be poised with 90,000 PLA soldiers on the US Border. Chinese Tanks. Infantry. Helicopters. Drones. The whole shabang. When the Army General for Canada found out about the “China/Canada training”, he said “Oh hell no” and promptly cancelled it. When Justin Trudeau found out the exercise had been cancelled, he fired the General, and then rescheduled it. He was bound and determined to have a Chinese fighting force on the US Border between December 2020 – February 2021. Why? Well, I can certainly speculate. I discussed this at length, ranging from late November and even after January 6th. But these communications about CHINA were used against me, twisted to look like they were about J6 (discussions about “fighting and dying”). They CLEARLY had nothing to do with J6 at all. I discuss the UN/Chinese partnership at length, and what I would do if the Chinese/UN invaded the United States, with permission from Joe Biden. Like fighting and dying in the effort. But if the US was invaded by the Chinese, can you really blame me? We are a sovereign nation. I won’t tolerate an invasion, no matter how unlikely. I love my country, so OF COURSE I would take up arms to defend her from the Chinese.

I was CLEARLY concerned (without ANY ambiguity) that a Chinese backed UN force could potentially invade the United States. Why? Well… I mean, for starters, Joe Biden (from his basement Campaign) discussed bringing the UN into America to go door to door to help “deliver vaccines” and also to ban/round up guns. Seemed like a recipe for disaster to me.

I was also convinced that that the “Joint Military Winter Exercise” in Canada was to remove President Trump by force if the election swung in his favor. Tactically, that would be a winning Chinese military strategy; to strike their #1 rival while our leadership is contested (and therefore unstable). Nothing illustrates this more clearly than the actions of General Millie. During the final days/weeks of the Trump Presidency, who did Millie call? Who did he say that he would side with? His Commander in Chief and America … or China? Yep. He chose China over America. General Millie called and told the Chinese that he would appraise the CCP if there was any change in the United States nuclear strategy, and that he would openly resist Presidential orders to do so. Because I voiced my fears in text messages (talking about fighting off a potential Chinese backed UN invasion), the Prosecution used them against me in Trial and in my Detention Hearing to deny me Bond, despite the irrelevance to J6. Was a Biden authorized Chinese invasion a Conspiracy Theory? Sure it is. It’s speculation too. Was it unlikely, even then? Yep yep. Sure was. I don’t deny any of that. But it’s better to be prepared than be caught with your pants around your ankles. But do you know I WASN’T doing? Plotting a Seditious Conspiracy OR planning to Obstruct the Peaceful Transfer of Power on January 6th (which I didn’t even know was a thing). Thank GOD my Jury was paying attention to the evidence and agreed.

Gulag This! “What Really Happened”

Part 9 The Holidays in 2020

by: Jessica Watkins (Political Prisoner #26050-509)

A True Story; 100% verifiable with Text Messages, Emails, Video/Audio, Court Documents and Testimony.

One thing was clear, by December 2020, January 6th was not only not on my radar… it wasn’t even a thing that I knew existed. Despite all my fears about China, I was convinced it would be possible that Trump could still win the 2020 Election and still be Inaugurated, if lawsuits and ballot audits worked out properly. If so, Antifa/Leftists would certainly lose their minds, just like they had in 2017 during the “Not My President” riots. But that was all in the future. I was still concerned about the BLM/Antifa riots in the present. In early December, the Police in Columbus, OH had a (completely justified) Officer involved shooting, so I was understandably concerned about the backlash from the Leftist mobs. I was prepared for Columbus to be in the crosshairs of the BLM mob. I made preparations to assist the Police in my hometown, and I put out feelers for an OathKeeper response. But none of that would happen. A day or two later (not certain) I had a foundation wall collapse on me, breaking my arm and shattering my ribs.

My business/home was located in a historic building, erected in the late 1800’s. So one drunken evening in mid December 2020, Donovan Crowl and I decided to go Ghost Hunting in the basement of my bar. Yep, I am that kinda goofball; crawling through holes in old basement walls of a historic building at 2am, looking for spookies after a few too many Jamesons. Well, as I attempted to climb back through the hole, I inadvertently pulled a section of wall down on myself. The stones fell on me and I broke my arm and ribs. I pulled my broken body back through the hole, went to the ER, and I came home a few hours later in a lot pain and in a cast. Fun times. After that, I was totally out of commission. I was laid up in agony for weeks, my arm held together with a fancy splint of plates and rods. I missed the Jericho march in DC a week later, recovering slowly on my couch with a heavy dose of whiskey and Star Trek. During that event, 4 Proud Boys were ambushed and stabbed by Antifa… one of whom lost a kidney in the attack. I was vaguely aware of the news, but I was so hurt, so there was nothing I could do but stay home and recover.

Some of the folks that wanted to join my Ohio group (Ben and Sandi Parker) were interested in attending the next upcoming event… the one on January 6th, 2021. They wanted to go, but at their advanced age, they didn’t feel safe going alone (given the recent ambushes by Antifa). I knew there was a rally was scheduled for J6, but in my injured condition, I wasn’t interested in attending. I blew them off, telling them I “would think about it”. Between my injuries and the drive through West Virginia mountains (could be INCREDIBLY treacherous during the winter months) I didn’t plan on going. That changed on December 29th. There were discussions being circulated; that Congress was going to REJECT the Certification of the 2020 Election; that the ballots would be returned to the States for ballot audits; that Antifa was going to lose their minds and Trump would activate the Insurrection Act to restore order. I told Crowl, “If Trump activates the Insurrection Act, I’d hate to miss it” Because I was the only trained/experienced Medic, Montana agreed to stay behind and watch the bar. I wasn’t sure what we could do, so I started to figure out how to be useful, particularly as injured as I was. There were discussions about our mission. I wanted to be useful. After the handling of the Million MAGA March, I was pretty unhappy with the OathKeepers. So, instead I wanted to set up a Medical Station. I also advertised protective services online; to escort Protesters to/from their hotels and vehicles, to keep them safe from Antifa. I intended to do my own thing, separate from the OathKeepers, but fate had other ideas.

I was watching, and in an interview with @AlexJones, Roger Stone mentioned that he needed a security detail for the January 6th rally. I logged onto the OathKeeper chat and I told them that Roger Stone was looking for protection on J6. Minutes later, my phone rang. It was a Florida OathKeeper named Kelly Meggs. He asked me, “We are running the Roger Stone detail. Did he call you for help?” I laughed and told him, “I’m just a nobody bartender from Ohio. I don’t know Roger Stone. I just saw it on an InfoWars interview”. Turns out, the OathKeepers already had the job. The next morning, I was invited to be on the Personal Security Detail (PSD) as the medic for Roger Stone. I was so stoked! I was hyped in the extreme, but as we began to leave Ohio to head to DC on January 4th… the plan changed again. Kelly Meggs told me, “You’re off the [Roger] Stone detail. We need you to escort members of Congress from the White House Ellipse to the Capitol and protect the stage while they give their speeches.” I was stunned! I texted my mom, extremely excited, and told her to “Watch the news on Wednesday (January 6th)! I will be protecting members of Congress in front of the President!” We met up with the Parkers and headed out toward our nation’s Capital city, full of hope that the 2020 Election would be fixed… that the Certification was to be rejected by Congress… that we would be there, to protect them, to protect our President, to protect the Seat of our Republic from the violent left wing mobs that were hellbent on dismantling our nation.

Gulag This! “What Really Happened”

Part 10 Obeying the Law… Violates the Law, Somehow… Or Something…

by: Jessica Watkins (Political Prisoner #26050-509)

A True Story; 100% verifiable with Text Messages, Emails, Audio/Video, Court Documents and Testimony.

The date is January 4th, 2021. Pause. Before I go further, it’s time to discuss some Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for the OathKeepers. First is Comms (communications). Leftists and the Media like to doxx Conservatives, hacking phones and leaking personal information, so we used an encrypted app called Signal. The Prosecution made a big deal about that, but at the end of the day, it’s not to keep Law Enforcement out of our chats. It’s to keep the propagandists and haters out. The OathKeepers have active members of Law Enforcement, and our High Value Protectees (the VIP’s we protect) are in our chats routinely, including on J6. We don’t use inflammatory rhetoric in our chats. When someone does, we report it to Leadership, and those people are then kicked out of the group. I even reported someone myself, because I have low tolerance for violent political speech. Our chats never get more edgy than an off-color meme. This fact would be a secretly mirrored sentiment from our Prosecutors. I believe it was the Lead Prosecutor Jeffery Nestler who sent the email, which admitted that “there was no plan for or discussion to breach the US Capitol on January 6th” in our Signal chat. Because of course there wasn’t. We are law abiding citizens who work with Law Enforcement routinely, and even have Law Enforcement members in our group. We Back the Blue, not as a slogan but as a mission statement and job description.

Another way the OathKeepers communicated was on an app called Zello. It’s basically a walkie-talkie app, for folks who don’t have radios. During the Million MAGA March, the app was used to keep the convoy coordinated. It’s a crappy app though, and has lots of glitches. The audio of me talking on this app was used HEAVILY during the Trial and during the January 6th Select Committee. I have a STRONG suspicion concerning that app, but it IS speculation. So, here goes…

*OPINION* I think that a Federal Agent or Informant/CHS created the J6 Zello channel and invited me to join. I don’t have proof, I can only speculate. However, I firmly believe I was deliberately entrapped. When I joined, I thought it was created by/for OathKeepers, but once I was on, only my friend from Illinois was on there. But he isn’t the one who added me. Someone added him too. I was the only OathKeeper in DC that was using the app on J6. As that day evolved, I basically used Zello as a phone to talk to my friend from Illinois, giving him (colorful) commentary on what was happening. But once the “tapes” were released, turns out that there were ALL SORTS of strangers that were on the channel talking. NOT OathKeepers. Complete strangers. Idiots. Unvetted, unknown individuals. The voices of whom were not coming through my phone. But statements by those strangers would be the ones used against me. The most notable individual making statements, I believe was a Federal Agent or an Informant. I also believe his rhetoric was a deliberate attempt to entrap the OathKeepers. To this day, his identity is being hidden. For the longest time, they just called him “Unknown Male”. Eventually his screenname was made public. It’s 1%WatchDog. More than three years later, we have no idea who that person is.

A second SOP is to research Local, State and Federal law of the location we will be going to, in order to remain lawful. We research gun laws, less lethal defensive measures, and contact members of Law Enforcement (like with the Police liaison in Louisville) to ensure we are permitted to conduct our operations. This happened for the January 5th/6th event as it always had been. Washington DC Metropolitan Police Dept. was contacted, to ensure we were lawful. A Metro PD Lieutenant gave us our guidelines, and we obeyed them to the letter.

We also had our information submitted to the Secret Service in order to conduct the Private Security Detail (PSD) for Congress. We had a contract to conduct the Protective Detail. We had a Capitol Police permit for the Stage at Area 8 on the Capitol Grounds We always attempt to be 100% lawful, and 100% above board and transparent; not just about our plans, but our motivations. In prep for J5/J6, we discussed less lethal options (like pepperspray, batons, and tasers), and EVERYONE was EMPHATIC. NO GUNS ALLOWED! Not a single bullet. Not a magazine. Nothing that could be misconstrued as a firearm accessory. NOTHING!!! I state emphatically on a chat “DC is NO GUNS! Unless you’re LEOSA Certified Law Enforcement, do not bring firearms into the city. DC doesn’t play around with that.” So what do we do with our weapons, when we cannot have them? We store them somewhere safe. It’s called responsible gun ownership. But, this fact was used AGAINST us in trial. But more on THAT later.

The third SOP is that for most events we attend, we have a QRF (Quick Reaction Force) on standby. Even if we don’t, we discuss the contingency of establishing one. The Jan 5th and 6th PSD’s were no different. This was used against us heavily in trial. They made a big deal about a QRF, when there wasn’t even one established. But we THOUGHT about forming one, and that was good enough for the Prosecution. At any event, a QRF has a versatile function. Sometimes the QRF members are armed, like in Louisville. For somewhere with strict gun laws like DC, then it’s NOT armed. Sometimes it delivers people and equipment, or food & water. Sometimes it evacuates folks suffering from Medical Emergencies. Other times it’s reinforcements to protect a business from a violent Leftist mob. During the Million MAGA March, it secured our weapons in Virginia, in case the Insurrection Act was activated. But, on January 6th it was merely an elderly, partially disabled, retired Police Officer, sitting in a hotel room half drunk and watching TV, with no vehicle. Yeah, that’s right. You heard me correctly. January 6th rated so low on the “the-world-is-going-to-fall-apart-o-meter” that the Insurrection Act was basically a joke. Nobody took it seriously, so the QRF never even materialized. The guy who was going to run the QRF just got drunk and watched porn or something. A staffed QRF was simply not needed. The Prosecution knew that, so they wagged their finger at the discussions surrounding the possibility of a QRF, but glossed over the fact that one was never formed. It was a slick move, but very dishonest and highly misleading; not just to the public, but to our Jury.

Gulag This! “What Really Happened”

Part 11 In The Days Prior to J6

by: Jessica Watkins (Political Prisoner #26050-509)

A True Story; 100% verifiable with Text Messages, Emails, Video/Audio, Court Documents and Testimony.

Tom Caldwell (who I referred to as Commander Tom) was a nice old man that let the OathKeepers camp on his farm during the Million MAGA March. He was a retired US Navy Commander, and Crowl and I came to have a great respect for him; not just for his profound military service, but also for his generosity and kindness. He and his wife allowed the OathKeepers to camp on his farm before the Million MAGA March, fed us and made sure we even had Port-a-Potties. After the Million MAGA March event fell apart, a schism formed in the OathKeepers, and the North Carolina chapter of the OathKeepers wanted to split off and form their own group. Tom stayed connected with the NC guys, who we later found out had their own plans for J6. But, outside of a single vague text message, Tom never articulated them to me. I never replied to his text message either. Tom sent the text during busy hours, so I was probably busy bartending. As I am sure you can understand, New Years is a busy time in the bar business. I never replied to the text at any point and it remained unanswered and ignored. A day or two later, Tom texted again to help us find a hotel; advising us to get a room before they were all booked, which we did. Aside from helping us find a hotel room and helping us find parking in DC, Tom and his wife had nothing to do with us on J6. He and his wife went off and did their own thing. This will ALL be relevant later. So please, bear with me.

The morning of January 4th, before we left my house to meet up with the Parkers, there was talk that members of Law Enforcement would be the QRF, and that we could leave our weapons with them. I figured that leaving my guns with Law Enforcement Officers was a good idea (I mean, if I can’t safely leave my weapons with a Police Officer, who can I?) But by the time we reached West Virginia, I had still not heard anything back about a QRF. So, I decided we should leave them behind. By then, we were off the Roger Stone detail. We obviously wouldn’t need them for our Congressional detail, which was only in Washington DC. I also didn’t want a maid to come in our Virginia hotel room and see them while we were at the rally. I was concerned they’d be stolen or that the maid would freak out. So, I opted to leave the weapons with Donovan’s family in Western Virginia. They were a Marine Corps family, and they promised to lock the weapons up and keep them safe and spent the night there. The Prosecution team and the FBI knew this, and even interviewed the family to confirm that we left our weapons behind, but they ignored this fact and deliberately lied in our Indictments/Trial anyway. Let me say this emphatically. We DID NOT bring weapons anywhere near DC. Not even to Alexandria, VA where they would have been 100% legal. They were HOURS away from DC, locked up with family. We only wanted to OBEY THE LAW.

The next morning of January 5th; Donovan Crowl, Ben and Sandi Parker and I packed up and left for DC. The Protective Detail we were scheduled to conduct was to protect the Stage at Freedom Plaza at noon, where Alex Jones, General Michael Flynn and other Conservative VIP’s were giving speeches. But, the OathKeepers always seem to be chronically late, and J5 was no exception. We Ohio folks got tired of waiting at the hotel; frustrated, we just went to Freedom Plaza on our own. We barely made it on time. We parked our vehicle, geared up and headed out to find the stage. After following a steady stream of red hats and American flags, we made our way to Freedom Plaza. Once we arrived, we met with the Event Staff, told them who we were, and we were assigned to protect the entrance to the Backstage VIP area. It was a completely peaceful event, but it gave us a front row seat to the stage for General Flynn and Alex Jones, so that was pretty cool. We shook hands with the protesters, and took some selfies with folks. Some scrawny crackhead looking (probably Antifa) kid took our pictures. Those very same pictures that would be used against us in trial, so I suspect that he was either a Fed/Undercover, or that he actually WAS a Leftist Antifa type, but was working for the Feds. After the Rally, we returned to the hotel and had a couple Budweiser tallboys, drank half a bottle of Jim Beam to shake off the cold and got ready to go to bed.

Before we turned in for the night, Commander Tom wanted us to stop by his room to say hello, so we popped in for a few minutes to see how he was doing. I had a pretty good buzz going, but I still stayed long enough to have another beer with him. We discussed the Freedom Plaza Rally, told him about our encounter with the Antifa looking kid, and chatted about the travel plans for the following morning. Given the crazy nature of DC, we decided that it was best to follow him and his wife into the city the next morning; to guide us to parking. We briefly discussed protecting Protesters from Antifa after the J6 Rally, and then we called it a night. We would have no idea that the next day would change our lives forever. Who would have guessed that J6 would be anything more than a typical Trump Rally? We were 100% convinced that Congress was about to reject the Certification of the 2020 Election. We were convinced that when THAT happened, that the Left would lose their minds. And we would be right there, front an center… protecting members of Congress… protecting America… from the violent mob. When my head hit that pillow on J5, I had been to 14 rallies and protests. Some BLM. Some for Trump. Every time, we stood with our Police, we had their backs when the Democrats wanted to defund them. We were the good guys. But, J6 was a lobster trap. One deliberate set for us… And like fools we never saw it coming, and we climbed right inside.

Gulag This! “What Really Happened”

Part 12 J6: The (now) Famous White House Ellipse Speech by President Trump

by: Jessica Watkins (Political Prisoner #26050-509)

A True Story; 100% verifiable with Text Messages, Emails, Video/Audio, Court Documents and Testimony.

The morning of J6 was like any other event. Around 5am, we got up, had coffee in the hotel lobby with Commander Tom and his wife, and packed into the car. We followed Tom into DC, and he helped us find parking at the Parking Garage at the intersection of G St. and 21st St. Then we headed out on foot toward the White House Ellipse. It was a long walk, and my GPS kept trying to route me along the One Way streets, instead of for foot traffic. It got kinda confusing, but we found a Police Officer that was blocking an intersection and asked for directions. Soon, we were by the White House Ellipse. While we were looking for the entrance, a Secret Service Police Officer (I believe a K9 Unit), saw our gear and beckoned me over. He asked directly, “What’s up with the [tactical] gear?”. I showed him the texts about the Congressional Security Detail we were on, and he said “Oh, OK. Well, if you come into the Ellipse, you won’t be able to wear all that.” I shrugged and told him, “No problem sir, whatever you need us to do.”

We found the entrance to the Ellipse, and staged our gear in a pile in front of the Jumbotron Monitor, (which is basically a 500 Inch Flatscreen TV mounted on a flatbed trailer). But the sun had yet to come up, and the temperatures were so cold, that we decided to put it back on until it was time to go inside (body armor keeps you warm). Commander Tom and his wife stopped by, and tried to help us connect with Event Staff in order to obtain our event passes, I gave Tom and his wife an OathKeeper T-shirt, and they left. We never saw or heard from them again, until the following day. We finally got our Event Passes, however Ben and Sandi Parker and Donovan Crowl didn’t have one, so they decided to stay out on the street and keep an eye on the gear pile. I went through the Magnetometers (metal detectors) and went into the Ellipse. During the Secret Service “pat down” they saw the splint for my (still) broken arm, and I removed it for them to inspect it, put it back on my badly mangled, black and purple arm, and was allowed inside. We were escorted into the Ellipse by event staff, and given a row of seats front of the Presidential Stage. I was super excited! Despite the bitter cold, this was about to be the best day ever, and I would see my President speak to the nation UP CLOSE! We were so far into the “VIP” section, that even the Media benches were behind us.

The VIP’s gave their speeches and President Trump was late for his speech (as per usual). He laid out the case for the massive volumes of voter fraud, but encouraged us to support Congress as they returned the ballots to the states for audits. As he laid out his VERY legit case of voter fraud, the pointed at the media as they cut off the feeds to their video cameras. President Trump then said “See all the red lights turning off on their cameras, they don’t want to report the truth…” I turned around and flipped them off with both hands. F**k fake news. The President continued to explain the upcoming Certification; It was our LAST CHANCE to set the 2020 Election straight. Congress was to raise Objections to the voter fraud. and we would be right there when it happened. The feeling in the crowd was electric. Positive. Optimistic and patriotically charged with love for our country. To be there cannot be articulated into words. It was AWESOME. At the tail end of the (now famous) speech given by the President (which was apparently Indictment worthy), we stood up and met with Event Staff to begin to prepare for the Congressional Detail.

A professionally dressed young man explained that we “…need to stay back from the Congressmen and Women. You need to keep the members of the crowd back while you escort them. No selfies, no shaking hands, just walk them down the street to the Capitol”. I spoke up, and I told them “OK, but we have one little problem. All of our gear is outside…” I pointed to the Jumbotron which was clearly visible, “…see that giant TV, our equipment is staged right there. Can you meet us at the Ellipse entrance?” He said, “Yes, no problem. Go get your equipment and we will meet you at the entrance.” We used the Port-a-Johns, and squeezed through the crowd toward our gear. The crowd was so thick, that it was hard to even get there. While we donned our gear (at roughly 1pm), Donovan told me about how things went during the speeches. Crowl had rescued a woman who had a medical emergency, and worked with Metro PD to get her to an ambulance. We stood around for quite a while, the crowd so dense that we could barely move. Soon that would change; a pivotal moment would put us on a collision course with history.

Gulag This! “What Really Happened”

Part 13 J6: A Collision Course with History

by: Jessica Watkins (Political Prisoner #26050-509)

A True Story; 100% verifiable with Text Messages, Emails, Video/Audio, Court Documents and Testimony.

The crowd was so thick, that it’s what we Airborne Infantry types call “nut-to-butt”. There was no room to move, the crowd was so dense that it was quite overwhelming. I’d guess between 1-2 Million Americans filled every street and open lawn in the area. I am not exaggerating about those numbers either. In order to put on our gear, we had to link arms to created a bubble around the gear pile in front of the Jumbotron. One by one we put on our gear until we were all ready. But there were still no VIP’s or Congressmen coming out to join us. Suddenly, everyone in the crowd started yelling. Everyone was pulling out their phones and started screaming. The anger and betrayal in their voices was palpable. Unanimously, they began to shout “Pence f***ed us.” and “It’s over. They Certified it” and “Pence is a traitor”. “Pence betrayed us”. It was a cacophony. It was a very pivotal moment, one I described on the Zello channel (and dozens of texts and social media posts/comments). My Zello audio was played during the January 6 Select Committee (and of course in our trial). I said “It spread like wildfire through the crowd that Pence betrayed us. It’s over…” One thing was clear, that J6 was no longer just a rally. It was now a protest. People were outraged as they blamed Mike Pence for rubberstamping a fraudulent election. We (all MILLION of us) believed the Certification of the Election was over. And people were PISSED about it.

Soon, the streets were virtually empty. I filmed the moment. Roughly a dozen of the VIP’s under protection of our Security Detail had come out (Podcasters, YouTube personalities, etc.), so two OathKeepers (Kenny Harrelson and Jason Dolan) went ahead and began to escort them toward the Capitol to give their speeches. The rest of us stayed behind, waiting for our Congressional Detail. But, the detail never came. I pulled out my phone and filmed the smattering of crowd that was left. In our trial, the Prosecution (and the FBI witness) claims I said “Go!” in the video, and that we then marched on the Capitol. But that’s NOT what happened. They lied… AGAIN (are you noticing a theme here?). I am almost 100% sure I said “Yo!”, but that’s really irrelevant. I was yelling at Kelly Meggs, as he walked off to go find the Congressional Detail. Then we stood around with our literal (cold) hands in our literal pockets. We didn’t march on anything at that point. The video of this is clearly obvious, we just stood around in front of the Washington Monument (visible in the background) waiting for our Congressional Detail. But that didn’t stop them from cropping the video or lying about it. I digress. Eventually, we decided to take our remaining VIP’s and escort them to the Capitol. The only remaining VIP’s were the mother of son that was giving a speech at the Capitol, her friend, and one other (I think a Podcaster or something). No Congressmen ever joined us. The mother had Multiple Sclerosis, so we needed to walk slow.

We walked through the streets, and the atmosphere was charged. Down every street, American flags tilted forward, waving in the wind as they converged on the Capitol Building which could be seen in the distance. We escorted our VIP’s down Constitution Ave, then hung a left on 15th St., and continued to walk beside the White House Ellipse. I think the Florida Oathkeepers were trying to catch up with Harrelson or something, so I dashed ahead and told them that me and the Ohio folks would stay back to keep an eye on our VIP’s. Around 1:40pm, we hung a right onto Pennsylvania Ave, where the Capitol Building loomed in the backdrop. A drummer boy in Colonial garb beat a drum rhythmically, and the crowd chanted “USA, USA, USA, USA…” and “F*** ANTIFA, F*** ANTIFA, F*** ANTIFA…”. The energy in the streets as we marched to the Capitol was an amazing experience. But it was a LONG walk (miles), and our VIP with Multiple Sclerosis made the going slow. The Parkers are elderly, too. So we took it slow as the crowd around us raced ahead. It seemed we were on the side of America, and the Police were nowhere to be found. I got on the Zello again and said “We’re marching on the Capitol now”. My friend from Illinois asked how many, and I said, “All MILLION of us! The cops aren’t even stopping us at this point”. In my mind, the protest was good to go. The cops were just going to stay out of the way and let our voices be heard. As if. Unbeknownst to us, they were busy throwing grenades at grandmothers and pepperspraying children. A fact I wouldn’t know until after my incarceration.

At 2:05pm, I filmed the crowd. Ironically, my video captured a building displaying a 4 story copy of the 1st Amendment; including the right to Peaceable Assembly and the Right to Petition the Government for Redress of Grievances. But the Capitol and Metro PD had other ideas. Not on their watch. As I filmed our march to the Capitol, our Security Detail can be seen surrounding our VIP’s. Of course, our highly dishonest Prosecution team ignored that part being. By 2:19pm we were on Pennsylvania Ave, roughly half a mile from the Capitol and the crowd got very dense again. At this exact time, on the other side of the building, the Capitol doors were being damaged by a man called Hunter Ehmke. A crime for which I was charged. A crime which was used to deny me bond and keep me behind bars pending trial. A crime for which I was RIGHTFULLY found Not Guilty. Around 2:23pm, we got closer to the Capitol, near what is known as Peace Circle. We walked with our VIP’s until the crowd was too dense. A massive American Flag the size of a building was being carried by dozens of people, and we got out of their way. The crowd was insanely dense, so around 2:26pm we went around where there were fewer people. I took a picture of this. Area 8 (with the Stage for the Speeches) was on the other side of the Capitol, so we escorted our few VIP’s up the sidewalk, On the North side of the Capitol was where they decided to part ways. The woman with Multiple Sclerosis wanted to go find her son. We huddled around her as she thanked and prayed for us. Then we followed the sidewalk along the fenceline, obeying the “NO TRESPASSING” signs and we went to go find the Stage and the VIP’s that Kenny Harrelson’s had escorted. There was no indication that was anything amiss or that we were (somehow) already “trespassing”.

Gulag This! “What Really Happened”

Part 14 J6: It’s NOT a Stack!

by: Jessica Watkins (Political Prisoner #26050-509)

A True Story; 100% verifiable with Text Messages, Emails, Video/Audio, Court Documents and Testimony.

We turned the corner on the corner of the Capitol Building. The barricades that once blocked this sidewalk were removed long ago. Like 30+ minutes before we got there. We obeyed the “NO TRESPASSING” signs, following the crowd around the sidewalk. It was a fun vibe, not angry, not violent. Fun. We can be seen walking calmly in the Capitol CCTV footage, a big smile on my face as I turned the corner and saw the patriotic crowd filling the lawn in front of the East Side of the Capitol Building. It was a beautiful sight, the American flags fluttering in the wind, the patriotism was widespread. Off to my right, I noticed a line of Riot Police, standing in their stormtrooper gear with billyclubs. I pointed them out to Donovan Crowl, and said “They brought riot cops? Why? Are they really scared of a bunch of old people that are just patriotic Americans?” It seemed absurd to me. The crowd however, gave them a wide berth. There were probably 3-5 feet of open grass between them and the closest protester. Everyone basically ignored them. So did we, and we began to chat with some folks while we tried to figure out where our Security Detail/Harrelson was. Someone (I think maybe Sandi Parker) filmed us as we chatted. In the video, we stop chatting and start walking toward the stairs where Harrelson and Dolan were eventually seen standing.

We walked through the crowd, and stopped between a pair of Police vehicles. On top of one SWAT looking Police vehicle, I can see a man jumping around and chanting. It pissed me off. Leftists do that kind of thing. Patriots do not. I can be seen on Capitol CCTV footage angrily gesturing for him to get down. I yelled “Hey, get the f*** down, Antifa does that kinda s***. We don’t! Get down! Now!” He apologized, and then jumped off the back of the truck. Then we grabbed eachother, so we could stick together and walked up the stairs. The video of this… a very VERY famous video of us walking up the stairs would be widely circulated. It was used in the J6 Select Committee. It was used in Campaign Ads for Democrat Candidates. It was used in Detention Hearings. It was used in our trial. The video was very useful to their cause. The FBI/Prosecution team decided that it was a “Tactical Formation” showing the “breach of the US Capitol”. Their “experts” called it a Stack Formation, a narrative parroted by the Media and Democrats (but I repeat myself). Let me be emphatic. I am a combat veteran, former US Army Ranger, a trained CQB (urban warfare) expert. Airborne Infantry. I will tell you right now. That was NOT a Stack Formation. Not even close. But it was a lie that our Prosecutors would tell endlessly for years. So what was it?

The crowd was dense. We needed to stick together, that’s all. We did that by hanging onto each other’s shoulders. I’ve done that in concerts, state fairs, and in amusement parks. It’s something untrained civilians do all the time. In fact, civilians did it OFTEN on January 6th. Like… on CCTV surveillance cameras! We hung onto each others shoulders until we made it up the stage. The Prosecution/Media/Democrats just muted the audio and cropped out the end of the video. But the reality? The crowd was singing the National Anthem as we walked up the stairs. Then… we turned around… and SANG ALONG. Thats it. Who forms a “Tactical Formation” to go sing, smoke cigarettes and take selfies? It was a lie. A BIG lie, actually. One used against us ad nauseum in our trial. We walked up the stairs together, and sang the National Anthem with pride. It was a proud, patriotic moment, as I looked over the crowd. I wanted to cry. It was BEAUTIFUL. There was no violence, no destruction, no aggression. Unbridled. Joy. I pulled out my phone to film the moment, looking out over the crowd as they chanted “USA, USA, USA”. To this day that moment gives me chills, standing on the steps of our Capitol, standing up for America. For Free and Fair Elections. For Freedom. For you. It was glorious. Soon however, we would be thrust on another course.

Gulag This! (02/10/2024)

“What Really Happened” Part 15

J6: The “Black Friday” Moment

by: Jessica Watkins (Political Prisoner #26050-509)

A True Story; 100% verifiable with Text Messages, Emails, Video/Audio, Court Documents and Testimony.

There we were, standing on the front steps of the United States Capitol Building. It… was… Beautiful! American Flags fluttered in the wind. The crowd sang the National Anthem and Chanted “USA, USA, USA!” Nothing will ever taint that moment for me. I wish I had just stayed there, and not gone a step further. But, that’s not what happened. After 5 or so minutes, hanging out on the steps and enjoying the vibe, we decided to go up into the pillared enclosure surrounding the front door; the Columbus Doors. It was more chaotic up there. A lot of pushing and shoving as people were trying to get up front. But when we arrived, the crowd instantly treated us like celebrities. They patted us on the back, hugged us, shook our hands. “OathKeepers!!! The OathKeepers are here!” and “We love you Patriots” or “God Bless the OathKeepers!” I felt like a rockstar. I was kinda sheepish/embarrassed, really. I didn’t expect all that. I nodded to people, said “Thank You”, as they grabbed us and pushed us bodily up toward the front. This was captured in video, I was smiling ear to ear, kinda overwhelmed by the love. But as I got closer to the Columbus Doors, I could see that they were open and that people were going inside.

To a rational person who is sitting back and making logical sound decisions casually from the sidelines, well that person might say “Going inside is not a good idea. You shouldn’t have done that.” (Yeah, no s*** sherlock) But that person wasn’t there. I was. There was no “turning around and saying no”. It didn’t even occur to me. I WANTED to go inside. I was riding a high that I didn’t even mean to have. I felt thrust into a moment, into HISTORY… that WE THE PEOPLE came to OUR House, the PEOPLE’S House, and we were going to have our voices heard! It changed everything for J6. I told my jury as I testified, I looked them dead in the eye and said, “I lost all objectivity and I got swept up in the moment.” Even today, I wish I had just stayed on the steps and kept singing. But that wasn’t in my cards. The surge of bodies pushed forward. I couldn’t have turned around, even if I wanted to. Later during my Trial testimony I said, “It wasn’t violent or anything, but there was hundreds of people trying to push through a narrow doorway at the same time. It kinda felt like going into a store during a Black Friday sale” The Prosecution did NOT find that line funny, in fact they made little snide comments about from then on. But it was true. It DID feel like a Black Friday. There were no cops anywhere that I could see. Nobody was telling us to leave. There were no warnings. Nobody was being violent. Everyone just wanted to go in. And so we went did. Stupid? You betcha. They’d try to imprison me for the rest of my life for it.

We entered the Columbus Doors at 2:41pm and snaked our way through the crowd until we were practically vomited into the Capitol Rotunda (the circular room inside that big famous Capitol Dome). I cheered and chanted (yes, I Picketed and Paraded on Capitol Grounds). We chanted “Whose house? Our House!” When I walked inside, I was awestruck. All those super famous, beautiful paintings were there; President Washington being sworn in, General Washington crossing the Delaware, the Founding Fathers drafting the US Constitution. Yeah. THOSE paintings surround the interior of the Capitol Rotunda. It was AWESEOME! It felt like a holy moment. We sang “Glory Glory Halleluiah” and people hugged and kissed eachother. It still felt… right. I cant explain it. But it didn’t feel criminal. Everyone was behaving themselves, so I thought nothing of it. But that wouldn’t last. A few minutes later, I popped my head down a hallway and I heard glass break. I instantly went from having a good time to being PISSED OFF. I screamed at the person (a girl I think) and I said, “This is the TAXPAYERS house. This is MY f***ing house! If you are going to f*** IT up, I am going to f*** YOU up!” She immediately apologized and ran. I returned to the Rotunda, proudly chatting with protesters. I had just stopped vandalism and protected the Capitol Building. I was (and still am) proud to have done so. I pulled out my phone and filmed the crowd. As I did so, 3 loud bangs echoed through the Capitol and everyone yelled. The time was 2:44pm, the same time that Ashli Babbitt was shot. But I heard 3 bangs, not just one. So I have no idea what it was. At the time, I thought it was flashbangs.

I decided to let my Illinois friend know what was going on. I logged back onto the Zello chat, pushed send, and said, “We’re in the mezzanine, the big done right now. They were shooting paintballs at people and throwing flashbangs, but we’re IN there”, and I logged back off. The surveillance camera videos show this. I wasn’t receiving instructions or coordinating an attack. I wasn’t listening for a reply. I told my Illinois friend what was going on, and then left the chat. The Prosecution would lie about this a LOT, changing their story with every Indictment. In the 3rd Superseding Indictment, they actually rearranged timestamped audio, mixing and matching statements to make a DELIBERATELY FALSE claim that I was talking to “Unknown Male” (1%Watchdog), and not my Illinois friend. The Prosecution team are just flat out liars. It sounds crazy, but we proved it. Anyway, the surveillance footage is clear. I made a quick statement and then put my phone away. I wasn’t listening to anything, and I clearly didn’t hear what anyone said after I made my update. Seconds later, I saw Crowl filming the crowd. I laughed and ran up to him and photobombed his video just as he was saying “We’re in the Capitol, we overran the Capitol”. I jumped in, put on my “hardass face”, and said “We’re in the f***ing Capitol bro!”. Big laugh. That video was played everywhere; the J6 Select Committee, the news, and of course every legal hearing/trial opportunity the Prosecution could shoehorn it. Was it a dumb video? I mean… yeah. That’s why I photobombed it. I was being an idiot… for fun.