Today pray for the following Political Prisoners.
We will post all 186 name over the next few days.
We cannot forget these men who stood for America asking for the election fraud to be investigated. It was not an insurrection, it was a legal constitutional right to ask for the redress of grievances.
Chris Alberts
Thomas Adams Jr
Zachary Alam (Possibly Antifa)
Russell Alford
Tommy Allan
John Andries
Noah Bacon
Edward Badalian
Daniel Ball
Thomas Ballard
Julio Baquero
Richard Barnett
Logan Barnhart
Pauline Bauer
Roger Baugh
Matthew Beddingfield
Luke Bender
Joe Biggs
Aiden Bilyard
Joshua Black (he was shot in the cheek)
Matthew Bledsoe
Eric Bochene
Kenneth Bonawitz
Tim Boughner
Larry Brock
Nicholas Brockhoff
Jeffrey Brown
Jeremy Brown
Marc Bru