Last year, we read and heard the famous Letter to America from the DC-Gulag. Today Ramey, an inmate from the Northern Neck, another gulag, addresses our country for a different reason. On his heart is the alarming decay of our society as a whole. This letter is a call to action, a plea for the American people to wake up and do something.
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Dear America,
It is baffling to me the stranglehold that “urban culture” has on its followers. And before you move to cancel me, I don’t mean any one race. I’m talking in regards to people who rob, kill, rape, and take whatever they want from whoever they want. The parasites that lurk in the shadows to prey upon the weak, who take their belongings, who push them into subway tracks, who attack them with knives and rain down unprovoked, relentless beatings on innocent people, who knowingly sell dangerous doses of illicit substances to the addicts on which they feed. These parasites come in all colors, all shapes and sizes and dwell in most neighborhoods. You can’t trust them with a dollar, much less a young child.
When are we as a society going to call out the culprits same as the psych meds and their firm grip on mass shooters?. These parasites who see incarceration and crime as a lifestyle have a culprit as well. When will we, as a nation, stop blaming America, the Constitution, poverty or police and start to call things for what they are? We must stop fearing cancel culture, stop fearing being labeled a racist, a bigot, a fascist. For has it truly become fascist to say that murder is wrong? That it’s not “cool” selling and using illicit drugs you know may harm the well-being of the buyers and users? Is it bigotted to say robbing someone at gunpoint is criminal and not a lifestyle? Are we the ones guilty of sin for saying “No More!”, for taking a stand and using our First Amendment rights to call this lifestyle for what it is? How many innocent people must be killed? How many elderly people must be robbed? How many cars must be stolen? How many daughters must be raped before we collectively say “This ends now!”
When will we, as a generation, stop idolizing rappers and musicians who embrace disorder and ignorance, who glorify killing thy neighbor, and contribute to generations of fatherless homes? When do we stop hoisting scum to pedestals who believe in the degradation of our mothers and daughters? When do we stop honoring the dishonorable, marketing the murderers, conforming the conformists?
Will we sit back and do nothing while the social norm is quickly becoming to lay back and watch as our youth deteriorates into more hosts for these parasites to feed from? When will we, the people, mentally sober up to the world around us? When will we not only shake the dust from our feet but sharpen the blades of our swords? When will we uncap our pens from our personal journals and write for all the public to know that the time of remaining silent is over!? Millions of pin drops produce mighty BANG!
I blame as well, the Silent Majority because I believe that an overwhelming amount of Americans are decent people. They come from all walks of life. They come in all skin tones. But the time for remaining silent is OVER! I will no longer live in fear. All I need to know now is who is coming with me!?
Barry Ramey,
J6 inmate,
On Truth Social @Osprey-sensei
Well said and God Bless you!
Anyone still on the fence better choose because the fence is coming down. If u aren’t part of the solution, you’re part of the problem. Anyone not aware of what’s going on, come outta the clouds cuz life ain’t no unicorns & rainbows. We are sinners, plain & simple, we are human. That’s no excuse to purposely destroy a child, any child of God, & we are ALL God’s children. “Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do” applies to us all. Jesus willingly suffered & died to give us life. His precious, holy blood made us all able to enter heaven. That does not mean we won’t b judged by our creator for our works on this earth. Who will He look at & say, “I did not know u”? Who will hear, “Good work, my child”? Who will burn thru all of eternity? The suffering Yeshua endured , God endured, all out of love to try & teach us how to be. He gave us the best opportunity for salvation. We are to love God above all else, love others as we love God, & we have to love ourselves like God loves all of us. That doesn’t mean we allow evil in our lives, near our children, to stay in government, in the church. We expose the evil & destroy it, rebuke it, cast it away, not bury it, sweep it under the rug, or aid in it. Strength in numbers. Power in prayer. All praise & glory belongs to God, our Lord, our creator, our Savior
Love the line” Will we sit back and do nothing while the social norm is quickly becoming to lay back and watch as our youth deteriorates into more hosts for these parasites to feed off of.”
Many prayers have been said for all of y’all. God bless.
I hope when Trump is back in office the first thing he does is get you folks out of there, and financially compensated for your time lost from society and suffering.
Then second, put together a video to educate the masses in this injustice.
Then third, bring together those responsible for this miscarriage of “justice” for public hangings.
Still won’t be enough to compensate you and the other J6’ers for the loss of 2 years (+) of your lives.
We love you and look forward to your release.