April Jensen is an incredible woman, demonstrating immense strength and resilience throughout these challenging times stemming from the unjust arrest and sentencing of her beloved husband, Doug Jensen. A powerful image captured during J6 shows Doug and police behind him just standing there, looking perfectly at ease, shedding light on the misleading narrative perpetuated by certain sections of the media. Doug was no threat to them, but many lies were told in order to justify charges. It is also crucial to recognize that the dissemination of misinformation is a dangerous tactic employed by dictatorial regimes. Interestingly, those who make accusations often engage in the very acts they condemn. The unfortunate experiences endured by J6ers , like Doug, serve as a stark reminder that anyone could be subjected to such treatment, as exemplified by the ordeal faced by former President Trump. The arrests of J6 participants appear to have been strategically orchestrated to construct a case against the President, leaving individuals like Doug as collateral damage—mere pawns in a political chess game designed to prevent the rightful President from seeking re-election.

Doug Jensen was sentenced on 12/16/22 to 60 months in prison, 36 months of supervised release, and a restitution of $2,000.

Below, she tells their story.

Married 26 1/2 years now, with 3 kids (1 son-22, 2 daughters, 19& 17), Our lives are forever changed! There have been so many unknowns for us the last 2+ years! Many times, no communication from him for days/weeks, the longest was 24 days! Worked in the laborers union, Local 177, for 21 years!
Hasn’t seen the kids for almost 2 years, minus pictures I send and our 19-year daughter going to visit in Texas the first time back in March! It’s been hard on them, high school, friends, family, feelings, etc!
Missed milestone:
– birthdays (21,18,16)
– holiday’s,
– a high school graduation,
– precious/special times in our kids lives!

We don’t get a redo of the lost times! He’s never missed anything ever in our kids’ lives, until now!

Name smeared, lies told, lost family and friends, but have found out who our true ones are blood or not and made some amazing new ones!
He lost his job, lost union insurance, 1st time no health insurance for our family in 23 years! Our income is cut by 2/3!

He was about 21 years vested into his “30 and out” with full pension! Now, he’ll never reach that full pension, for busting his ass,(Laborer) literally, day and night since 2000, to give our family everything needed and wanted! All while making sure we (him and I) could live a good life, once our kids are all grown! He had been cleared numerous times in those decades of work, by the government and homeland security and whatnot, to work at the Capitol, yes! the Des Moines Capitol, the federal building, the airport, USDA in Ames, and so many other places! And now, the same people who approved him for those jobs and saw him fit to do so and not a threat, now say he’s a huge danger to society, a flight risk and so many other things!

By myself for the 1st time EVER, never had to worry about the finances or pay a bill, Doug did all that! I must say, I’m pretty proud of myself, I’ve been rocking it, while struggling the last 2+ years! Doug has been in 10-12 different prisons or facilities in the last 2 1/2 years! I’ve received help multiple times over the last 2+ years, when I didn’t know what I was going to do! There are amazing people and/or groups out there! I’ve always felt I don’t need to and I won’t name any specific person or people! If they’ve helped us, we’ve been in contact and I hope they know how grateful we are, but really, in my opinion, it is nobody’s business! Asking for help has been one of the biggest struggles for me, as it makes me feel as though I’m failing our family!

January 8th, 2021, that’s 890 days, my husband has been detained, or as I call it,(my opinion/feelings), “held hostage.”
My name is April and my husband, Doug Jensen, was arrested for the events of January 6th! He’s the man who they (the government) say “weaponized the mob”, “chased” Officer Goodman, and so many other false things!
Doug was taken into custody 2 days after January 6th!

I left my home (which turned into 8-9days) before my husband had even made it home from DC. I didn’t feel safe with our children, in our home, at that moment in time! My address was thrown out there,places of employment, threatening message/phone calls, media outside, etc! Doug turned himself him, when he returned home! Although, they (FBI), BROUGHT him home and let him stay for a couple hours, told not to leave, before they came back to “officially” arrest him! Supposedly, according to the FBI, Doug wasn’t even a “person of interest yet?” His name and face had been all over the TV, newspapers, social media, etc! This is how I was found and was being harassed and threaten, before he got home, early morning, on the 8th!

This would be one of the first lies from the government! That’s a whole different story in itself!

The judge in our home state granted Doug pre-trial release, but before we knew it, the DC courts had put a stop to that, and ordered him to DC! So in the wee hours of the morning, the swept him away to his first “stop!” This would be the first of many, times of the unknown! This particular time was 11 days! He was eventually allowed one 5-minute call home!! He was in Oklahoma, and he was being held in Solitary confinement! From there, he was taken to Virginia! He was again, allowed the one 15-minute call! After only 2 days in one of the worst of the worst prison situations, he was again moved in the wee hours of the mornings to what is now known as the “DC Gulag!” Again, no communication for days, and when he finally called, he had been put back in “solitary confinement” supposedly for his “safety.” After his “quarantine for COVID” was over, they tried to put him in with general population, which in DC, was a big nightmare.” His lawyer was able to get him out the next day and he was taken to what is now known as “C2B?” Doug, as were so many others I soon came to find out, were put through the worst treatment for the next several months! Endless solitary confinement, basic human rights denied, inhumane conditions, denied communication with family and no access to his attorney. No way of knowing or preparing for what the government was planning to use against him at trial, as he refused a plea deal!
Doug was finally granted pre-trial release, after 6 months and 6 days, with very strict restrictions! July 13th, 2021, I left home and drove the next
16 1/2+ straight to pick my husband up in DC! While home, Doug was on house arrest, with a monitor on his ankle, not allowed to leave our yard! No work, no church, no nothing, besides approved doctor’s appointments and drug tests as his colors were called! The second week of August, one of our friends paid to have a “Boom” delivered to our yard! That whole week, Doug worked slowly on taking down a HUGE dead tree in our backyard! He had been steaming the Mike Lindell symposium, through an ancient phone, on a construction work radio! On Friday, the 13th he had went into our garage to sit in front of the A/C, as it was August and 100+ degrees with horrible humidity! Well, after a knock on the garage door, a walk through our house, and a check of the GPS ankle monitor and it’s home base, everything was good! They were leaving through the garage, and one officer asked where the “news” was coming from! Yep, violated the “no accessing the internet” rule and was taken back into custody at a court hearing in our home state, on 9/2/21!

Again, we started the horrible process of the unknowns! Every place he was taken too, would be days with no communication and no idea where in the US, literally, my husband was! Every time he would have to go through a horrible quarantine process and placed in solitary, “for his safety” and denied all things! Eventually he was back in the “DC Gulag.” By this time, he had gotten no where with his lawyer, he was PD and had horrible things to say to and about Doug and Jan 6th or his case! Every court hearing was virtual, and just a “status hearing.” By this time it had already be a year almost!

They were trying to say he reached for his “deadly weapon” during one of his encounters with officers! This happened to be his work pocket knife, that as a construction worker for 21 years, would always be in his pocket, always! Nope, lawyer found a different angle of the picture, yes picture, not any of the thousands upon thousands of video out there! He had a bottle of water he was given, by officers, in his front pocket! That is just one of the many, many horror stories, but they are Doug’s story to tell!

It was December 13th, 2021, that started my longest of the unknowns! 24 days, of no communication with Doug! He was taken out of the DC jail, for no known reason! When he was finally able to call home, he was in Lewisburg Federal Prison! He was still pre-trial, WHY, a medium maybe maximum, security prison pre-trial? I was approved to visit at the prison! With the help of some amazing friends/family and people I’ve met along this journey I went and saw Doug in PA in April 2022! Minus his brief 49 days at home in summer 2021, I hadn’t hugged, kissed, seen, smelt, etc my husband! Doug would remain here until August 2022! Doug was to appear for the first time ever in 21 months, in person, for court on August 26th, 2022, for his pre-trial conference hearing! We knew the unknown would be coming, as he’d be moved back to DC! But this time, something was different! Doug always made sure to get me a message one way or another, if something ever happened!
Doug had been put in the actual hole (not just the normal everyday solitary)
The altercation that took place, is still not fully known by any, besides those involved! This “Unknown” really sucked! Doug had never been to the “hole” before, just nonstop solitary confinement in his “pod.”
I had heard horror stories for almost 2 years now, of what the “hole” was like!
We had agreed long before that I would not make the trip for this court date, as trial was to start on September 19th! Again, with the help of lovely people, I made the trip to be in court on the 26th, to see my husband’s face and to know he was ok, after NO communication for 13 days, I believe! That night, while in DC still, Doug called and he was in Alexandria, VA. He was so thankful and relieved to see my face in court, as he was not expecting me to be there! I told him I had to see with my own eyes, he was ok!
The next month, I returned to DC for his week-long trial! His trial was a joke and 75% or more of the evidence used, had nothing to do with him! Messages taken out of context or select parts used, select parts of videos, things my husband was accused of saying or doing, but supposedly no video to back it up?
Doug was found guilty of all 7 charges in September 2022 and sentenced December 16th, 2022, most of those felonies, because they said he had a “deadly weapon.” That was his work pocketknife, he’d carried on him the last 21 years! He was charged with assaulting, impeded, resisting an officer! He never touched anyone, never broke anything, etc.! Yes, his actions were not the best that day, but I don’t feel the treatment and punishment fit the crime! My husband went to DC to go to the rally at the eclipse! He, as did so many people, felt the election was taken from him and our kids and grandkids lives are going to be affected, if things don’t change!
He joined the thousands upon thousands of people walking to the Capitol! He was not even on Capitol grounds until around 2:00PM, long after the altercations started! He said he walked into people who had been peppered sprayed, shot with rubber bullets etc! He had no idea what had been happening! They were being peaceful, from what I understand! My husband, being who he is, worked his way to the front!
He remained in Alexandria until after his sentencing on December 16th, 2022! 5 years he was given! His release date is 6/27/2025, with good time! He’s already done half his sentence, while detained, pre-trial and post-trial! An appeal was filed the same day and that process seems to be just as slow, as we are six months and in and supposedly still waiting for transcripts!
Doug did his last and hopefully his final move, of the unknowns in the middle of January 2023! After 3 other prison stops, he is now in Fort Worth, TX! Although he’s closer than he was in DC (16 1/2 hours), he’s still 11 1/2 hours away from home! For the first time in 2+ years, he’s not in solitary confinement, is able to go outside, go to the library, exercise, etc.

So many simple things we take for granted, that he never should have been denied this whole time! We can just keep the hope and pray, he will be home sooner rather than the later.

If you were to ask me how Doug’s survived the last 890 days and remain so positive, I can’t tell you! I just know someone up there is looking after all of us! Folded Hands on Apple iOS 16.4

Since very early on, after so many days/times of the “unknowns”, we agreed that no matter what, 9:00PM his time/8:00PM our time, we’d pray together! To this day, this is something we do, although he’s finally back in my time zone! We’ve been through/felt/expressed every emotion a thousand times, over the last 2+ years! But, I can’t wait for my husband to come home so we can finish our FOREVER together! Not being here to support him, has never been a thought for me! We’ve grown so much together, while having to learn a new way of living apart for the last 2+years! I’ve told him from the very beginning, all the time, “Not worth it.” I would always tell him that because no matter how bad things got, or how mistreated he was, or whatever else it might be, “Not worth it” to not get to call home, so I could know for that 15 minutes, sometimes 30 minute phone call, that he was ok for that moment in time, or to be put in the hole or possibly add more trouble for his case. Pretty much everything the last 2+ years!

We will be reunited, and this nightmare has to end for us eventually!
This may have been the longest “I’ll be home soon Baby” from my husband, EVER! We can now see a faint light at the end of this long/dark tunnel and can’t wait to meet you all at the finish line! God Bless!

Douglas Jensen

📬 Douglas Jensen
FMC Fort Worth
Federal Medical Center
PO BOX 15330
Fort Worth, TX, 76119

🎂 08/7 🎂

Has been incarcerated for 890 days.
including serving final sentence for 183 days.

Judge Timothy Kelly


Appointed By: Donald J Trump
Selected By: Appoinment
Confirmation Date: Sept. 5, 2017
Education: Duke University (AB)
Georgetown University (JD)
ABA Ratings: Well Qualified (2017)