Arthur, my brother in Christ – Shalom

Strength from on high, in our Lord Jesus & the Father of all creation.

My brother! I thought I replied on June 6, I might have gotten bog’d down from all of the media stuff for my documentary launch! Apologies! Thank you for checking up on me! God will continue to bless you for the friendship and fellowship you provide me. I hope you enjoyed the documentary!!! My team & I worked very hard on it, & will be putting up links to many of my interviews on The support of the Patriots like yourself is irreplaceable. We are united by our faith & integrity for God‘s Word & Law. Nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ – not even these prison walls. I want to invite you for our Sunday night prayer call, 9 PM! Every Sunday – please text my assistant Kelly for the link – XXX-XXX_XXXX. See you there! Let the truth rain from above. God bless you brother,
Jake Lang