Keep J.D. and his family in your prayers. J.D. was unfairly sentenced on 11-3-2022. Judge Kollar-Kotelly gave him a very long sentence considering he carried only misdemeanor charges. At the same time, Antifa and BLM defendants get minimal incarceration if any if they are ever arrested. We all know they are a protected class.

We know that caring for a love one in jail is very expensive as they need commissary money to supplement usually very poor diet provided by prisons and money to maintain communication with their family (phone and/or tablets). It is an added burden for the family already financially stressed. Now the mother of four will have to try to stay afloat until J.D. comes home.

J.D.’s wife is asking for support:
“For his 4 non violent misdemeanors, J.D. received a sentence of 8 months in federal prison. I’m asking for help… we went into debt obtaining an attorney for the charges and now have another lump some because of the appeal. On top of that, I will now have to carry our family financially alone for those 8 months. With 4 children, that is not an easy feat. “

Jesus Rivera

📬 Jesus Rivera
c/o Patriot Mail Project
PO Box 173
King NC 27021

🎂 1/11 🎂

Free on recognizance
(charged on 1/20/2021)