Already September and some of us are so happy that the heat of the summer is going to subside little by little! Ouch, it was a hot one – now we have a hard time to figure out – Global Warming? Goble Freezing? They had to come up with a different narrative – Global Warming! I don’t know about you, but I think the climate has always changed since the beginning and you have to be a fool to think you can change it. This being said, September is a great month and we like it.
There are 12 patriot birthdays that we know of in September. Of course, since we do not have all the birthdays for all J6ers it is possible that some are missing. If you know of any we missed, please let us know.
You can find the list here.
Send a card (see BOP rules below) and birthday wishes. Put some money in their comissary. Let them know they are not forgotten.
Thank you for keeping us updated.
In general, FCIs do not allow cards. An alternative is to scan the card and write your text on a different page or on the half part of the page.
Write ONLY on one side of the paper or your mail will be rejected.
No stickers allowed on envelopes or inside. Again, your mail will be rejected.
Max 5 pages.
Below are examples of cards we scanned.
After scanning your card, print it to write your message on the blank part of the page.
If the card has a message inside, you can scan it as well and use the front of the card you scanned for your message.
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