Cynthia Hughes from the Patriot Freedom Project (notably a name that plagiarizes The Patriot Mail Project) sent an alarming email regarding Timothy Hale’s inclusion in The Patriot Mail Project’s list, which encourages individuals to write to J6ers. Surprisingly, despite the information being publicly available, Hughes found it fitting to send such a message. In line with the principles of complete transparency upheld by PMP and J6PatriotNews, we have chosen to make this email accessible to the public. We express gratitude to our readers for their trust in our organizations and for their unwavering support.
Note: photos and jail addresses are public information.
My name is Cynthia Hughes and I am the family member of Timothy Hale Cusanelli. I received a communication this morning from one of your followers that you are using my family member, Timothy Hale Cusnaelli’s name and profile and a very demeaning picture on your website of him. I am his POA and advising you to remove his name, picture, and anything related to his name and likeness from your website by the end of the day, today!You do not have permission from Mr. Hale-Cusanelli or his representatives to display his name, photo, or likeness on your website. Additionally, Mr. Hale-Cusanelli will be providing written communication addressed to YOU advising you he does not want you to promote his name, photos, or likeness in any manner.Thank you
Federal Correctional Institution
P.O. BOX 2000
Has been incarcerated for 849 days.
including serving final sentence for 236 days.
It’s amazing that she would once again so publicly display her fear of truth regarding her fund raising practices or the disturbing and racist videos and articles, produced, not by others, but by Mr (redacted name) himself. Nor does this organization (name redacted) that Ms. Hughes operates offer their donors or the public an accounting of the millions donated by J6 supporters, in expectations that the money they have given helped J6ers and was not squandered on other things than supporting defendants. An average administration budget for the majority of US non profits varies from 5 to 15%. The incorporation description for (name redacted) states an expected 40% administration burden. When this organization, and others grifting off of these Patriots pain, become reliable sources of aid and publish their financials each quarter publicly, they will earn the 100% Seal of J6 support, proving they are using YOUR MONEY for the cause you intended it for . BE 100% Transparent or lose the trust of Patriot Donors.
STAND BY for the launch of this important transparency certification program. Making Donating to J6 support Safe Again!!